Accurate analog and digital sensor measurement data for CAN applications.
This K-AN8 (8 analog + 4 digital input) kit contains everything needed to get the K-AN8 set up and tested on a work bench.
To help with connecting sensors to the analog and digital ports the K-BoB enables easy connection with BNC connectors.
Influx K-Cal is easily connected via the Kvaser LeafLight interface and Kvaser T-CANnector. (Using the Kvaser T-CANnector to power up the K-AN8 (at the desk) and terminate the CAN bus).
This kit is supplied in the Influx carry case.
Our K-AN8 Kit is a cost-effective solution to measure multiple sensor types within one module. Extremely easy to use and ideal for applications that will measure inputs such as temperature (PT-100/1000), pressure, voltage, current (Using a current clamp), PWM, RPM, Digital Counters or IEPE sensors.
Multiple K-Series modules can be stakes, connected and configured to work together. All K-Series modules allow the measurement of signals and the periodic transmission of sensor measurement data on a CAN 2.0 network.
CAN Output
K-Cal, the all in one K-Series instrumentation tool.
K-Cal is freely distributable and supports all K-series modules.
■ Calibrate sensor channels and output calibration reports
■ Set CAN Bus baud rate and message identifiers
■ Set individual signal channel configuration and scaling, using formulas and tables
■ Set signal sampling rates
■ Construct, Edit and Export DBC files for CAN bus data
■ Monitor signals live with a graphical window